Saturday 27 October 2018

Winter is coming!

...and not just in a Game of Thrones type way (can't wait for that to be back on). We awoke this morning to a frost, white roof and a chill in the air...then the wind picked up and it instantly felt arctic! Luckily I put my fuchsias in the greenhouse yesterday in readiness due to the forecast, fingers crossed they survive the winter. As the clocks change in the early hours of tomorrow morning, the days will become shorter and temperatures will generally drop...although to be honest I don't mind, I like cosying up, there are potatoes baking in the oven as I type.

Anyway, wherever you are, keep toasty!

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Over at Moonlit Myths...Haunting of Hill House

I just posted this on the other blog so thought I'd share it here...The Haunting of Hill House..OMG!

Thursday 18 October 2018

Haircut day

I have been growing my hair for ages, today was a milestone in that I had a good couple of inches off the length and layers...and it's still long! Granted, not earth-shattering news for anyone but me, but still.

Going to the hairdressers is also something my Mum and me do and have done for years, she has short hair so goes every 6 weeks or so, but when I go to we make a morning of it, plus a catch up with local 'news' from the girls at the salon.

Home now and work for the afternoon  have a good rest of your day folks.

Saturday 13 October 2018

Storm Callum.

Well, it's nearly midnight and Storm Callum is blowing a hoolie outside, the rain is thrashing down too. I have seen many reports today of trees blown down and roads blocked, I hope everyone stays safe and there isn't too much damage, although the worst is said to come yet. It does make me feel cosy, warm inside with the wild weather out there, when daylight comes I'll see if there is anything blown over in the garden.

I am lucky, I'm in my home, with the cat, husband and a camping stove in case the power goes off, I worry for those sleeping rough in weather like this, those with little shelter, knowing that the small amount I donate to charities does little to help.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Beautiful October...for now!

We have had a couple of gorgeous days, warm, sunny and bright, the blue of the sky is slightly less intense as summer, but other than that one would be hard pushed to tell it's autumn. Yesterday I went for a walk, there was a small plane buzzing overhead and I didn't need a jacket, beautiful. Colder, more seasonal weather is forecast for the weekend, so make the most of today in the UK!

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Wrong, but so right.

The husband is out at rehearsal, and I am in front of the telly with the cat, some toast with Marmite and cheese...and a lovely glass of Chilean Merlot. I can hear some of you gasping, maybe a revulsion to Marmite, and possibly its pairing with cheese, others due to the philistine behaviour of having a very nice wine with it! However, I am hoping at least one or two of you will appreciate the niceness 😉. I am also watching Vera, can't beat a good murder.

Bit of promotion.

Hi folks, I haven't used this blog in AGES (quite obviously, the last pictures are of snow for goodness sake!) but I am back, with my ramblings and I will also cross-post some links to the Pagan Nature site and blog - it all helps views and promotion for my little business, I'm sure you don't mind...its interesting I promise!

Anyway, here is the post about welcoming October into our lives :)

Hope you are well.